Dienstag, 18. August 2009

Off to Beirut ...

in ein paar Minuten.

Bis dahin:


.. damit ich mich hier nicht ausschließlich mit fremden Federn schmücke, sollte mal wieder was eigenes kommen, denke ich. Für meine kleine Band, die an anderen Orten diverse Vertretungen hat, was mich freilich nicht davon abhalten wird, auch hier für sie um Aufmerksamkeit zu buhlen. Für die hab ich nämlich mal wieder etwas gezeichnet. Hier ist es.

Zugegeben ...

... "Lass den Richtigen rein" ist ein etwas ungelenker Filmtitel. "Låt den rätte komma in", so heißt der letztes Jahr erschienene - etwas andere - Vampirfilm nämlich auf Schwedisch. Für den englischen Markt wurde daraus folgerichtig: "Let the right one in". In Deutschland entschied man sich für "So finster die Nacht", was in meinen Ohren nach einem Rosamunde-Pilcher-Horror-Crossover-Fernseh-Zweiteiler klingt. Ist es aber nun mal so gar nicht. Zumindest diesem Trailer nach zu urteilen. Und weil ich den Trailer (Link mal wieder von Sebastian) so toll fand, bin ich gleich in meinen liebsten Video-Laden gegangen und musste feststellen, dass die den Film noch nicht hatten. NOCH, wohlgemerkt; es ist nämlich nicht ohne Grund mein liebster Video-Laden, kein Wunder also, dass die den Film sofort bestellt haben. Sollte diese Woche da sein.

Out of Lütjenburg

Okay okay... Eva already posted this one on her blog, and initially I got the link to this video from my good friend Sebastian. It's a short Interview with Hamburg-based painter Daniel Richter. Very charming person, it seems. Enjoy here!

Montag, 13. Juli 2009

(more or less) Public Announcements

No 1.

I am in no way associated with the current german vodafone-campaign.
It is the favorite for my very personal "this-year's-most-annoying-tv-commercial-award".
I have to admit though, that I felt vaguely sorry for Sascha Lobo (and even more sorry for David Bowie's "Heroes"), who was obviously more than a bit uncomfortable, standing amidst those guys from vodafone and Scholz&Friends, during last weeks press-conference. No matter what some people say, I have gotten to know him as a hearty and sincere person, which is a rare thing, especially in his business. Nonetheless, the commercial is terribly annoying.

No 2.

From next week on you finally have the opportunity to buy some of my prints. They are from the Lifted-Series I posted before. Go to Supalifekiosk in the Raumerstraße 40, Berlin. They stock loads of great books, magazines, clothes and prints by local artists.

No 3.

Holiday. Next week. Finally.

Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009

Some more from the cave

Finally scanned the missing prints. Plus: I found a picture I took back then. Thought it might be interesting in case you don't know what exactly a lithograph is. 
Here's a short description of how to make a lithograph:
Get yourself a large chunk of limestone, make sure the surface is absolutely even and smooth.
Draw on the stone with oil-based media. Treat the surface with an watery solution of gum arabic and some nitric acid. Let it dry and remove excess grease from the drawing. Before you print, keep the stone wet with water. The drawing will now attract your printing colour, because it's oil based, while the rest of the surface repells the colour. Add paper and pressure. Voilà.

That's it for tonight. Gotta do same drawings for the artwork of my band 's next CD. 

Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009

The Stone Age Revisited pt.2

Found some more scans of those Lithographs on my hard disc. The whole set consisted of ten illustrations, loosely based on Bright Eyes' album Lifted. I have to stress the "loosely" bit, as - while working on that series - not only came other songs to my mind, but I also began to consider and illustrate the process of illustrating itself. Plus: towards the end of the term - it was a work I did in art-school, remember? - I had to decide whether to cling to my initial concept or get the whole thing done. (Imagine smiley here.)
Anyways, I think the whole thing turned out quite nice in the end. That's why I brought a portfolio full of those prints to supalifekiosk today. Unfortunately the boss wasn't there, but his stand-in seemed to like the stuff and promised to show it to him next week. So, no more crammed drawers now, but maybe someday soon you might be able to purchase these prints in Berlin. 
Fingers crossed.

Montag, 22. Juni 2009

From the Stone Age

Some examples from a series of lithographs I made a couple years ago. Inspired by Bright Eyes' 2002 album Lifted. Even though these are from 2004 I'm still quite fond of them. Still got loads of prints from that series in my drawer somewhere. 

The Story is in the Soil

Come up with some stupid name for this blog - check.

Post some boring content to fiddle around with - check.

Fiddle around with that boring content, mess up the layout - here we go...